Thursday, September 9, 2010

Today Is Awesome

Image from the Small Object Project - prints available
I mean this - not in the saracastic way, but in the real, true, it's a great day today kind of way.

Sure, this probably isn't the perfect day.  Things are going to end up with poo in the fan maybe for a few minutes and sure maybe some of that poo will end up on you...but so?  Why taint the rest of the minutes of the day with the poo of a few minutes? 

Billy Shakespere had it right when he said, ""there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." The fact of the matter is you pick your mood, your type of day, you pick how you react. 

Ox has called me out on being a bit of a downer debbie as of late and he's right.  I should be ecstatic - I have a handsome boyfriend who decided to take a big risk and move away from everything he loved to be with something he loves more - moi.  How awesome is that?  I get to wake up every morning in my own bed and get to patter into my own kitchen and scratch my head and think "what the heck am I going to have for breakfast?"  Because I have a nice home and a kitchen with lots of food.

I have friends and family members who love me for me - not because I hang with Leonardo - just as I am. 

I've been tackling some family drama llama's as of late that have had my mood in the old dumper.  And I guess, I've realized that Family is a Should just as much as any of the other Should's in society and really they don't all come in the same shape, size and title that people expect.  You see just because someone's your mom, dad, grandpa, grandma - doesn't mean they're going to fit the stereotype you expect...nope in fact - they'll probably not.

So, I hope you can read the title of the blog and see the pretty print and realize Today IS Awesome -- everyday is.

Now go get 'em tigers.

P to the S - you there, you, reading my blog?  Thank you.  I'm not everything I want to be yet and I'm not really even that helpful, but you're there and that means a lot.  Thanks for growing with me.

1 comment:

  1. Here I am...reading your blog and loving every minute of it! You rock!
