There was this interesting article put up by NPR on Friday I'd been meaning to read all weekend. I finally got around to it this rainy, dreary morning.
The article basically talked about the idea that we so often see patterns in life that we begin to miss the nuisances for the bigger story arcs and in such make time go much faster; thus aging us.
The story suggests getting out of your comfort zone and trying new things in order to widen your range of experiences in order to elongate your life.
I like the idea of changing it up.
This morning I was rushed and out the door about 5 minutes late, making me closer to my train departure time. I was a bit anxious so I was glad when the Next Train Sign was flashing 17 minutes upon my arrival. Awesome, time to stare at the trees turning color as the day was beginning to break ever so slightly from the holds of night.
However, 10 minutes later when it was still flashing 17 minutes, I was less impressed.
Then everyone say the sign change to Next Train Late.
Boo. Hissssss.
So, I decided to drive to work.
Interestingly enough. These 2 train goers stand with 2 other train goers every single morning and make awkward small talk. This morning, the morning of the delay 2 of the train goers just stalked off and didn't say why they were leaving only to not offer the 2 people they talk to daily any group oriented solutions - odd as these people obviously enjoy the perks of public transportation why not go more small scale? Rude much?
So, I took 2 of my fellow train goers to a train station near my work then continued into the town next to my office. Both ladies had been with their employers for 25 years. I've been with mine for 2 and I'm starting to get the itch (even though I simply adore it - there are other factors at play...annnywhoo). It was interesting to me how these ladies routines were set, set for 25 years. Think of how strong their story arches are - how fast their days go.
After I figured my way back to the route I knew - aka I got wicked lost - (but I totally get points for a new adventure and change from normal 'arch'), I parked on a street I still happen to have a parking sticker for (yay for old tax dollars at work). Then I hiked in the rain the mile to my office...I made sure to hop in a few puddles along my way and gaze at the people rowing boats along the Charles River...sigh, perfection.
The rain in my face made for a rude awakening to the morning, but a pleasantly rude one. I liked the exercise and the new company on the way to work was also interesting.
No go rock out and enjoy every minute of today!
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