After a day filled with normal dramatics and one particularly challenging calculation at work I found myself in such a state as I made my way back home via bus, train then car.
This feeling has been happening a tad more frequently to me as of late. It's like almost figuring "it" out, then the solution slips into the recesses of your brain cavity only to leave you with the sense of "what is it?!"
It's a very strange and unsatisfying feeling. I recall an old Sex in the City episode where Carrie wakes each night with a start, only to realize nothing was wrong and that was so new to her that she was unsettled by it. Mayhaps that's the situation at hand? I have no idea.
Luckily, I have been completely enraptured by my most recent library selection. Side note: if you've not been using your local library to it's fullest, shame on you. (and me up until recently) I've rediscovered the wonder that is the library and the whole library system. I send them an email saying I'd like X book -- no matter if my local branch has it -- then voila in a matter of days I receive an email saying "come pick up your book!" Magic, I'm telling you.
Click here for Ron Charles' of the Post's review of the book...he's probably a bit more qualified to review it for you as I've yet to finish!
Needless to say, I'm nearly done with said book and will be looking (and always am looking) for another -- so send in suggestions if you have any of recent titles you've enjoyed!
I have a feeling I might need them to keep whatever it is my subconscious is so diligently working on at bay!!
Have a happy day!
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