You see we are under the impression that everyone poos, more than that everyone likes to poo. It's the removal of toxins from your body. It's an indicator of your health and how well your system is taking on the day. It's the perfect way to detect subtle changes in diet and how your diet is effecting your health.
And now - I'm hear to tell you you've been doing it wrong for the majority of your life.
You see in an article published by Slate throughout history it's been proven that while indoor plumbing is a blessing - we might be denying ourselves some true pooing pleasure. The way the human intestinal track is designed it is better for us to squat to poo rather than sit. The sitting, in fact, causes us undue stress on our bowels and our tooties...making for hemorrhoids and less than satisfying poos. Bummer, right?
So, if this is so much better why hasn't it caught on? Well after reading this article, I decided to attempt some stylish gymnastic moves of my own and attempt a squat at home. After a few slips and near falls, I got into position and I must say it WAS easier. Minus the arm cramp and the whole "if any saw this what would they say...."
But I'd have been in much better shape with one of the custom platforms that the article mentions, that said who wants to be the first on the block with a poo platform around their throne? Not I said the fly.
Until then I'll make due with the social norm, but I certainly encourage you to take some adventures in your poo position. The amount of giggiling you'll go thorugh just in the one attempt is sure to shave years from your life and make your day...if only that one day. And really, isn't that enough reason to give it a shot?!
I can't believe I'm the first one to comment on this blog - but like you I like a good poo too - and a good laugh. And this post certainly made me laugh and perhaps inspired me! Maybe you could design a porcelain tool that allows for users to take this position -- you never know, it could take off! :-)