However, if your palate is significantly different than say your significant others' - it's an uphill battle to meet both people's wishes while keeping on a budget.
To attempt to thwart overspending and also to be more organized - I've been putting together shopping lists and menus for the week for Ox and I. My first week I borrowed from the domestic genius Martha Stewart - in her Everyday Food magazines there is always a weekly menu and a tear out shopping list. Awesome. Even more awesome? The fact that you can find these lists here for free without a subscription on Martha's site:
The first week Ox only hated one of the 6 meals - that's a pretty good ratio considering this man loves mac and cheese. But this week, I wanted to fly free - or thought I did. So, I pulled out a few cookbooks, a pen, paper and started trying to make something work using the ingredients we picked up at the local farmer's market.
The problem of trying to best a master is that they cover the subtlies without you knowing it. You see, the professionally published menus I was using did a great job of using something in several dishes to make shopping more efficent.
But, I'm a budget shopper, I won't go buying 50 things for one meal...well not every week of course. But there's always a time to expand a pantry. So, balancing the budget and tastes and still making out without feeling like I'm missing out -- that's today's goal.
The menu so far this week is going to be:
Sunday - Polenta with Asparagus and creamy mushroom sauce (Martha)
Monday - Baked chicken with bacon (I've yet to acquire that recipe, but will iron-chef it out)
Tuesday - Meatloaf (traditional - adapted from Alton Brown's masterpiece - I'm adding jack cheese through the center)
Wednesday - Chicken Stir-fry with snow peas and carrots
Thursday - Andoullie sausage, chickpea and chard frittata (adaptation of this recipe)
Friday - Spaghetti and meat sauce
Saturday - Eggs in a nest (from the Animal, Vegetable, Miracle site)
Last week our grocery store trip was around $100 - I'd love this week to be half that. We've spent $20 (farmer's market) already on food this week leaving $30 for the above mentioned recipes -- note we have a well stocked pantry/fridge with lots of excess "face" aka meat.
Let's see if it happens when we hit the store tonight!
At the end of the day, we spent $40 - so only $10 over budget - a nice beginning if I do say so myself!
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