Monday, November 29, 2010

Such A Pretty Face

My good pal and fellow avid reader sent me this fantastic book, Such A Pretty Face, by Cathy Lamb.  My pal noted it was one of her favorites and after page 14 I was already quite sure I understood why.  I DEVOURED this book in a matter of 3 days.  It is intense and wonderful and heart-wrenching and heartwarming all at the same time.

The novel centers around the life of Stevie Barrett - a now thirty something that has been through hell in her short life.  From a schizophrenic murdering mother to a heart-attack at the age of 32 due to a serious weight issue this novel sifts through Stevie's memories as she recovers from the heart break she allowed to build up inside her until her heart, well genuinely broke.

From eating disorders to multiple personalities to alcoholism and beyond...this book examines neurosis and the way that different people work through the challenges that life presents in a beautiful, non-preaching sort of way.

The metaphors through-out the novel are sharp and clear without being overbearing.  We cheer as Stevie works to find out what being Stevie means and finds out what love means - love of herself, love of the world and love of others.

What I found so wonderful about this book is not only the graphic, no-holds barred look into the mental disorders that so often tear at the souls of people but also the unforgiving way it honestly shows that not everyone is perfect and not everyone is a hero.

The novel also does a wonderful job of weaving a love story within the main characters life without that ever being the main theme for the character.  In so much, finding romance does not heal Stevie and does not make her whole - she does that, she works to fix herself, her life and her soul and reaps the benefits of doing so.  She never gives herself up to the romance in such a way that she loses herself or the reader loses sight of the true self-work Stevie is faced with.

I can't recommend this book enough, but make sure you keep some tissues on hand as you work through it.  No matter how stable you are this honest book is sure to explore some deep wounds and make your breath catch as the tears fall in a refreshing release that can only come from true, honest writing.

A perfect read.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Oh the silly things I do because I'm cheap

I'm cheap.  I have trouble spending money and I horde it until then I go on a crazy spree for a day, then follow that spree up with months of guilt-ridden hording again.  I'm just silly like that.

Recently I've been growing my hair out.  I whacked it off in a moment of - "I'm changing my life darn it!!!" and have spent every day since growing it back out.  I'm just silly like this too.

Well being the cheapymccheappants that I am - I got a giant bottle of conditioner at TJMaxx for $10.  Go me, I thought, it was Rosemary Mint, made by a reputable brand not the original maker of said flavor? scent? whatever. I thought I'd done a good thing.

My long lost soul sister
You see, I don't buy or use hair products, so a splurge of $10 on a giant bottle would be a-okay.  I don't use hair products because I'm traumatized by them.  You see...when I was 15 I dated a boy who I desperately wanted to impress.  So, he was taking me to a party one night and I was so excited -- he was older and so were his friends.  I had to look amazing!  Amazing to the 15 year old me meant hair spray, lots of hair spray.  Short story my hair was crazy crunchy and he made fun of me.  No products since for this broad.

Day 1 &2 of conditioner - my hair is kinda weird, but smells awesome, I blame the weirdness on the weather.

Day 3 & 4 of conditioner - my hair is still weird and beginning to have less amazing odor.  I figure, I'm getting used to scent, and my hair is boycotting going to work, no bigs.

Day 5 of conditioner - my hair is still weird and I notice a slightly less that lovely odor coming from my hand as I raise it to apply said conditioner.  Needless to say, that was the end of conditioner.

A good friend suggested a specific brand of conditioner to me and I said "Sure! I'll pick it up after the gym tonight!"  Alas, after the gym came and I couldn't bring myself to spend money on conditioner again, plus the whole Sodium Lauryl Sulfate making your hair fall out debate terrifies me and most brands carried at the local CVS are chock full of the stuff.  I decided I'd wait until my hair fell out or I got paid again instead.  I didn't want to dip into my hording pile for something that has more natural ingredients just yet you see.

But that left me in a quandary.  I can't not use conditioner, I have curly hair!! How can I salvage this situation!?

Then I started to think old school -- we're talking Roman Times old school.  I got inventive and historic all in one fell swoop. I considered, what did they use for moisturizer in historic times?  (remember I was just reading a book set in the 2nd century and they talked all about beauty products!)  The answer?  Olive Oil.  That's right folks, I decided to use Olive Oil.

So, before my shower, I google my historic idea and find others in support of my hair-brained solution to my self inflicted problem.  I generally try not to use too much non-natural stuff on my body and hair, just another quirk of mine.  I didn't want to just pour my olive oil over my head, that seemed too uneven an application and messy too.  What to do?  Then I remember that in my cheap style I have this most amazing kitchen tool - The Misto - it saves me from buying Pam and other gross stuff filled cans to keep my food from becoming one with the pan.

So, I troted into the kitchen, grab The Misto (best thing ever, can't say it enough) and proceed to apply it much like I did the hairspray back in my youth, I went crazy with the stuff -- people don't change folks, it's proven. 

Soft, but flat hair.
Anyway, end result is my hair is crazy soft today, I mean awesome, but sort of flat.  Which isn't ideal either, but at least it's shiny and soft!  I'll definitely keep up the olive oil routine for softness, but I'm not sure how to also get my curls to well, curl while using this technique.  More research is needed and probably I should explore some more modern techniques as a long term solution.

Anyway,  for a quick and easy hair masque I think I'm going to do this at least once a week going forward - my hair was that soft!

Oh, I know you think this is sad and sort of twisted.  But wait. Just  wait until I break the story on how I used vinegar to make my hair shine. Pure Awesomeness.

Until next time...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Online Savings

As we near the first of two family filled whirlwind holidays - I'd like to remind you online shoppers of my favorite little trick.


There I said it.  Please tell me that each time you make an online purchase you Google the store's name with the word coupon after it just before you check out.  If you don't, you're missing out on serious opportunities my friends.

Free add-ins, discounts on shipping, discounts on bottom-line...they're there and it only takes an extra minute to do a quick check in a second tab, copy a discount code then plug it into your checkout.  Volia, magic extra savings.

So go forth and save friends, go forth and save.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Coffee Additives

Recently my sister (my food-loving idol) texted me asking, "Have you ever heard of putting a dash of salt in your coffee grounds?"

I had not heard of such a thing dear reader, but quickly the power of the interwebs quickly informed me that I was sorely missing out on a hot new way to make your crappy coffee better (my cheap heart sung loudly and proudly).  A quick search on the topic turned out a Chowhound (if you don't know about Chowhound, you should learn - best community driven food site in the history of the internet - restaurant reviews, recipes, best practices...) and this post came up.

I was sold.  For years, we (sis and I) have been adding a dash of cinnamon to coffee grounds for a subtle sweet flavor (we swore off sugar in our coffee a while back)...but salt?!  This was uncharted territory.

With the rage of salted carmel that began late year (maybe the one before) this wasn't too far a strech of the imagination - however it was still foreign.

I don't drink much coffee, but I had to try it.

Lickety split - I ran to my co-workers coffee maker and doctored up what I assumed was going to be the most awesome pot of coffee ever.  I measured my grounds exactly and then I ran to get a salt packet from the lunch room (glowing in my pride of resourcefulness) and I dumped the lil' packet in (maybe a 1/4T) and set the wheels of the coffee gods in motion.

What I didn't take into consideration was the fact that I was working with a 4 cup coffee maker.  So, when I raised my amazing creation to my lips, eager for a treat - I was smacked in the face with salty, gross gross flavored, incredibly smooth coffee.

The next day, I tried again, only this time I added a mere pinch of salt to my grounds and the change in my coffee was simply astounding.  Really, the cheap Folger's coffee I had hidden in my desk suddenly had a wonderful round flavor without any of the bitterness that so often accompanies it.

In short - I love this idea and HIGHLY recommend it -- but do yourself a favor, use a pinch of salt, not a packet.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Why Does Everyone Treat Me Like Crap?!

"If you want to change the way others treat you, you should first change the way you treat yourself.  Unless you learn to love yourself fully and sincerely, there is no way you can be loved." 

That's right.  I'm beating this book to death.  I told you I would, so please, don't be surprised. These lessons are simply just too important to let go of and I love that I now have a platform to jump off of to tell you and me about this!

So often in life I/we feel mistreated by others.  We wonder why everyone in our life feels toxic, why people take us for granted, why they don't love us as we love them.  

I highly recommend checking out this site 100 Ways to You can Start Loving Yourself and seeing if any of these options might fit neatly into your life.  Honestly, I feel a surge of "I can do this!" when reading this artfully written guideline post.

It is only once we begin to love ourselves, have respect for ourselves and our boundaries and truly believe at the core that we are wonderful, loving individuals as we are that we will begin to see that those that treat us poorly either fall away or learn to treat us well.  These people are challenges presented in our lives, to test our own self love.  As such, you choose to pass or fail.  If you do not believe yourself a good person, you will allow others to treat you poorly and believe you are "deserving" of such treatment.  So, rather than try to change their mind - work on your own.

Here are a few more people that explore this topic from a more educated angle, should you crave that kind of explanation:
"Fret not where the road will take you.  Instead concentrate on the first steps."

Friday, November 19, 2010

Don't Worry, Be Happy!

Happy Friday All Ya'll!!

While I was sitting waiting on my train this morning, I heard a song on the radio that took me back...way the first grade talent show.

In the show I danced with my group to "Your Momma Don't Dance" - my mom made us poodle skirts, with sequins.  What a good momma she was.

The other group did a wonderful rendition of "Don't Worry, Be Happy!"  They wore straw hats and Hawaiian shirts and did jazz hands on each side of their face as they swayed to the entire song.  Magical memory I tell you...

So, enjoy the following video and I hope it shapes your Friday in the same way it shaped mine.  I mean, why not be happy?

Uploaded by pierrot77. - Watch more music videos, in HD!

Thursday, November 18, 2010



You know how horoscope sites always have a Love Chart?  They're fun and always seem to nail the personality on the head, but are still ya know, just a horoscope.

Well, I was stumbling the other day and came upon this excellent love chart based on Enneagram tests.  It's fun because this author did a full study of marriages and how people naturally partnered up.

So, naturally I fire off an email asking Ox to complete this particular Ennegram test immediately and I also do the same.  I wanted to see how readily we fell into the research provided and also, how likely it was we'd stick around because honestly kids?  Some days I feel like we're on different planets or wish we were (but I don't want him to go too far, like another galaxy, so I can still stalk him with my telescope).

Anyway - Mr. Man's research is dead on.  Ox and I fell into the highest occurring group for our particular numbers.

I personally am a 1 (reformer) and he is a 9 (peacemaker).

Meaning his key motivators are: Want to create harmony in their environment, to avoid conflicts and tension, to preserve things as they are, to resist whatever would upset or disturb them.

And mine are: Want to be right, to strive higher and improve everything, to be consistent with their ideals, to justify themselves, to be beyond criticism so as not to be condemned by anyone.

How exactly those two personality groups are the most likely to match up is beyond me, but it was a fun little experiment for sure.  Probably just as reliable as the Love Charts, but hey equally as fun!!  Plus, it's comforting knowing I'm not the first girl to hunt down a totally passive and sweet boy and torment him regularly!

So, try it out.  It's interesting what the results are and even more interesting to see if you're in a common partnership, or if you're an outlier!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Unsolicitated Christmas Lists - A Much Needed Rant

Okay folks 'tis the season.

I need some advice here.  I've gotten several unsolicited Christmas Wish Lists sent to me as of late and I'm not really sure how I feel about it.

Overall, I'm done shopping.  I've purchased things for people, things that made me happy to be getting them gifts - which is really my bottom line for this whole guilt driven holiday.  But now, I have these weird lists from people.

Ox's sister just sent one to me for his little niece and well...we've already gotten her gift - it's a Giant Gummy Bear on a Stick and I'm pretty darn excited to be giving it to her.

Now in my inbox pops up this whole long email about where they're registered for Christmas - SERIOUSLY registered for Christmas?!?!?!  I didn't even know it was possible.  Then a list of things to get should we not like anything on the list...awesomely cool Giant Gummy Bear on a Stick is no where on that list.

So, now am I a total jerk for not getting something from the list?  Am I a jerk for getting my shopping done early?!  I know the sender of the list was trying to be helpful, but I can't help but feel it's rude to assume I'm getting them anything in the first place.  Since when is it assumed you'll get anything?!?  I feel terrible for having this gut reaction to this situation at the same time, I don't really want to go out and get new gifts or show up with something someone will be irritated with...bah humbug.

Honestly, I'm pretty irritated at the whole darn thing.  This darn holiday shouldn't make me feel bad EVER and yet, even in my most prepared, most finanically stable year - I'm left feeling a knot in my stomach.

Methinks The Grinch was on to something...

Are we there yet?

"Patience does not mean to passively endure.  It means to be farsighted enough to trust the end result of a process." - from The Forty Rules of Love

Oh waiting, it is the worst.  Your mind becomes a hamster wheel of energy.  You're desperate for a solution, an action, something, WOULD SOMETHING JUST HAPPEN ALREADY?!!?

Sure, that's the first gut instinct on what your mind wants to do.  But in reality, does that ever help?  Does jumping the gun really get you better results?  Methinks no.  So often, we lose our patience with something and in doing so make an action on our own -- we lose faith that the Flow will help us out and in doing so, we deviate from our paths.

Inevitably, once you deviate from your path, you will then take the long road back to your path.  So, patience, in the long run saves time.  Crazy, yes?

In an effort to be more patient with people, ideas, myself I've been spending more and more time meditating.  I'm not a zen-master or anything and I certainly don't levitate.  But, I do find that even 5 minutes focusing on my breath, taking deep breaths and quieting my mind ensures that I'm the better version of me rather than the crazy, anxious, hamster-on-a-marathon-brain driven monster that I was so often in my younger days.

Need some tips on meditation or perhaps some guides?  Here are a few resources to get you started:

What is Meditation?
How to Meditate - a guided video
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care's downloadable Guided Meditation
Dr. Deepak Chopra's Guided Meditation

So, humor me.  Allow yourself 5 minutes to focus on'll be amazed at the results.

Ps. sorry for 2 posts, the previous one refused to reformat into anything remotely attractive and in true, non-patience after 5 tries, I simply gave up.  Guess I need to re-read this post, huh?!

Quotes. Quotes. Quotes, quotes, quotes.

Listen to this goofy yet, unforgettable song and then re-read the title to this post.
Okey dokey.  Now that you're in a similarly goofy mood to mine, I believe it's a good time to check out another poignant quote from The Forty Rules of Love.
"One thing that has helped me personally in the past was to stop interfering with the people around me and getting frustrated when I couldn't change them.  Instead of intrusion or passivity may I suggest submission?

I am partial to this particular quote for a number or reasons.  Primarily this quote reminded me of my family members.  You see I love my family, but there are a few people who I simply KNOW could be leading better lives if they just <insert common sense action here>.
 Ox is forever worrying about me when I mention that one of these particular people have contacted me.  He knows that I take it all much to personally.  I get frustrated that I cannot offer the appropriate advice for these people and that usually offering any advice to what seems to be an irritatingly repeated issue only ends in raised blood pressure and frustration coupled with injured feelings.
I always felt it was my place to help guide these people to better lives, to help them see the light that I have seen in The Flow, in interacting with others, in my career path, etc and so on.
How very condescending of me, right?
No two experiences are a like, no matter how similar they seem on the surface.  Certainly what got me to a peaceful place, which I'm now desperately trying to become comfortable in, will not be the same way for others to go.

I need to work embodying this quote and simply submitting.  Not everyone necessarily chooses the same adventure as others. Just being willing to go along and listen to them is what is really important, because what they want in their life may or may not match what I want.  In fact, if I knew what I wanted, I'd be spending much less time seeking for whatever it might be that completes me.
Which leads me to my next interesting quote, "No matter who we are or where we live, deep inside we all feel incomplete.  It's like we have lost something and need to get it back.  Just what that something is, most of us never find out.  And of those who do, even fewer go out and look for it."
 I'd like to be one of those rare folks that isolates what makes me feel incomplete and go look for it as well.  I'm hoping blogging, reading and simply opening my soul up to this idea will put the proper wheels in motion for this.  I mean after all, "Although it is a fact that He (enlightenment) cannot be found by seeking, only those who seek can find Him (enlightenment)."
So, it is good to remember that you cannot find enlightenment by seeking it, however only those that seek will be able to open themselves up to enlightenment finding them.
Cutting down on the judging and forcing and manipulation of others will surely  lighten my soul's load and allow me to focus on my own journey.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

You don't know what you have until it's gone

Ox's work is a little different than his kin's.
Ox has recently restarted work after a bit of a lapse in employment.  Actually, not so much a lapse, but a seasonal gig that has yet to become full-time is what he does for work.

He's had this gig since we started dating and I've always been a bit leery of the whole - I work sometimes and I don't sometimes.

He always has side-jobs he can do when he's not employed by his employer...however, it just didn't feel "right" to me for him to not have a full-time job.  I mean, how do I explain that?  How is he ever  going to "get" anywhere or move forward without a full-time job?!

Yeah, I was/am a bit of a stinker.

I mean, who am I to say that I'm doing the right thing by working 9-5 at a full-time job?  Ox is always up-to-date on our joint budget.  It's not like I'm supporting him, so how is it even up to me to say anything about this?!?

I guess, I just was afraid.  I was afraid that he'd turn into someone I didn't know, or worse someone I do know that I'm not too impressed by and consistently not be employed or able to support himself.

So, basically, I was worrying about the future -- which is a total mystery.

To quote one of my favorite movie characters - Oogway, the master turtle in Kung Fu Panda, "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but a gift.  That's why it is called "the present."

Sure, sure, sure.  It's a cartoon turtle.  But he's a wise old dude.

While I've known this and tried to practice it.  Ox going back to work clearly defines WHY this quote is so important.

Sure, while Ox isn't working as much we aren't in a position to do as many "fun" things.  BUT he's home.  He's there when I get home from work and he's there when I wake up.  We can do anything we want on Friday nights since he's not working late and he's not sore and tired from physical labor all day.

These beautiful days are simple and wonderful and I'm certain that I will miss them while he is away at work.

So, I'm posting this now - to remind myself when I start getting anxious and start laying on all my personal "shoulds."

The fact remains that so often we know what to do to move our lives forward, to break the cycles, we simply forget the pain we endure by not doing so in good moments and then lose focus and lapse back into our destructive behavior.

So this is my pledge to myself and to you dear reader, I will remember...I will grow.

I hope you do too.

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Forty Rules Of Love

"How we see God is a direct reflection of how wee see ourselves..."

I think I've mentioned before, but I am not a religious person perse, but I do hold a strong believe in The Flow and as such I would be considered spiritual. So, please do not think that I have suddenly become "born again" or anything of that nature.  Much to the contrary - what I am about to discuss has only solidified within me my believes of an energy in the world that leads us gently along and our own role in leading ourselves.

My most recent book, The Forty Rules of Love - by Elif Shafak, has caused me a few moments of enlightenment and I'm just on page 50!  The quote above is one such line that intensely spoke to me.

Something I think that speaks to everyone on some level us the search for meaning.  We all want to have a reason for being, to understand our purpose here and find our passions.  This subject is highly relateable and as such the book is a joyous, quick read.

Ironically, the story in this novel is that of a women searching for meaning in her life, which she finds in her career as a reader for a large publishing company when a chance novel crosses her path and leaves her forever changed.

The author entwines the modern day story with one written in the 1200's in Arabia.  The older story touches on mysticism and the search for something deeper in life.  It is the older story, which holds the quotes which gave me cause for pause.

Perhaps it is only with great fortune in life that one has time to have these such concerns.  I feel that it is my current, comfortable lifestyle that allows me now to introspect in a way that is causing me to take long pauses to meditate nearly every other page as I work my way through this novel.  I assume, that I will have several posts to better understand myself as I work through this wonderful book -- and I hope you'll understand.

So, as I believe in The Flow - I have always come to the understanding that what I see as God is within myself in some way.  However, the line regarding the reflection of ourselves in how we define God or in my case, The Flow is an interesting one.  If not only is God within us, but also a reflection of ourselves -- one must hope that that reflection can change and grow as we also change and grow.

You see, I've recently achieved a long-term goal of mine, a financial goal, but a goal nonetheless that has shaped much of my recent time here on Earth.  Having both achieved my personal financial goal and then also the long-awaited goal of being in a stable, healthy relationship...I've found myself searching for definition again.

I've been floundering for a purpose, a passion, something.  Something within me that would point my internal compass onward.  The quote of today reminds me that regardless of what that something is, it's inside of me.  I know what that next step/place is and yet I am blocking myself from it.

This past weekend I came aware that I was doing a few things that brought my spirit down rather than up - even though they were things I once quite enjoyed.  They were things that I feel no longer served to move me along this journey in life, but yet I've done so long that they are "part of who I am."  I struggle to balance my efforts to be enlightened with reality and living in real situations. 

To open this book on a Monday and feel so very entwined it it's story and to have my inner learning vein filled with new blood, well I consider that a Flow Fritter and am quite joyous to have something to regain my momentum with.

I'll leave you with this other quote as I continue in the ponderous of this book.

"The Path to Truth is a labor of the heart, not of the head.  Make your heart your primary guide! Not your mind.  Meet, challenge and ultimately prevail over your nafs with your heart.  Knowing your ego will lead you to the knowledge of God."

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Who Needs Salad Dressing

Who needs dressings I ask again?

When your salad greens are amazing and flavorful and fresh?!?

The answer is NO ONE.

Let me introduce you to my most favorite greens in the entire world.
Olivia's Organics is an amazing company, but more than that their greens - particularly their salad mixes are inventive and interesting.  They also work to give back to their community through local children's charities.

My favorite mix is their Herb Salad Mix -  it has a great mix of unusual greens as wells as dill and parsley.  It's the most perfect mix ever.  I eat it without dressing and I honestly say I don't miss it.  I tried dressing on a salad with this the other day and I was honestly sad, because the dressing covered the delicate, wonderful, perfect flavors of the greens.

So, print out a coupon here and gettcha some!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Not to Brag (dust, dust of the shoulder) But...

My oldest sister and I have a tradition of getting together at Thanksgiving -- most of my family lives more toward the middle of the country but this particular sis calls the east coast her home as well.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because of a lot of reasons, mainly I'm a hungry, hungry hippo.

Each year her husband and the two of us gals take much care in planning out the amazing menus and look for challenges for our cooking techniques.

The bar was set in 2008 when we did an amazing pork loin with this parsnip and pear puree that you just wanted to take a bath in, and then drink up.

All that said I think that 2010 has a chance of trumping the existing champion.

Ladies and Gentleman, I now reveal to you THANKSGIVING 2010!!

Aperitif and Appetizers
Pear-Rosemary Cocktails

Main Course
Rosemary Garlic Mashed Potatoes with Truffle Oil


Let the countdown to dining heaven begin!!

Only 15 more mouthwatering days....

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Tip O' The Week

I have this spice rack, I've had it for a number of years.  When Ox and I moved in together, I realized that in the number of years that I'd owned the the spice rack I've not ever replenished the spices in the rack.  And even more disturbing was the fact that the spice rack came pre-filled.

So, I dumped all the spices and hadn't gotten around to replenishing all the different containers.

Today though I realized I was missing some key spices (Basil, Oregano, etc).

So, Ox and I went to a local natural store that I simply adore, Debra's Natural Gourmet.  Debra's offers a huge selection of bulk goods - grains, legumes and spices.  There are tons of amazingly interesting spices that I had no idea about, things like chrysanthemum flowers,  crystallized ginger, etc etc .  Everything smelled amazing, I couldn't decide on which spices I wanted!  But, in an effort to contain my excitement - I narrowed it down to 3 spices and I filled up the little packages.

When Ox and I arrived at the register - I didn't know what to expect.  I mean, most the spices went for $44 plus a pound.  You know how much they charge in the grocery for even a small container of spices - minimum $5.  So, I was at least ready to pay at least $10 for my 3 packets of spices and still think I was getting a good deal.

You see, I did it to have fresher spices and go through my inventory faster.  I knew Debra's has better quality products than what you can get from a large spice manufacturer. 

So, when the cashier said... ninety-two cents.  I had to take a momentary pause and consider the fortune in my decision to buy bulk spices.

NINETY TWO CENTS people.  This is a miracle.   I am very excited to use my new spices tomorrow!

So, my tip to you is buy your spices in bulk my friends!!

One of my fav reads

Happy Sunday all!

I'd like to share with you one of my favorite reads - Smart, Pretty and Awkward - by Molly Ford.  I think I've mentioned this blog before, but today's spoke to me as it's timely for so may of those in my life.

Read,  enjoy. 

I hope you had a wonderful weekend and enjoy a relaxing Sunday!!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Candy Monster!

Halloween was a joyous time filled with friends, food and fun.  However, I let my guard down some and well, I got on that candy train....and I ate, and I ate, and I ate.

Well, yesterday I found myself in a foul, foul mood and I was completely broken out...that's when I realized it'd happened, I'd become A CANDY MONSTER!!

There's tons of write ups on the ills of candy and processed foods - particularly interesting to me though is the effects that sugar can have on one's mental state AKA launching you into depression. There's tons of information on the web on this issue. Two struck me as interesting this personal account and then this article written by Annette Nay, Ph.D. are two such examples of the effects of sugar and sugar addictions.

Anywho.  After my realization on what I'd done to my lil body and mind I decided to make some serious changes.  Winter is always hard for me to stay positive, so making these changes now will hopefully make this dark season a bit brighter.

I've decided to re-implement a breakfast routine that I used to have and let fall by the wayside.  I'm going to be enjoying Green Monster's for breakfast.  They are an amazing way to start your day by giving your body good fuel to hit the ground running.

I got the idea from Angela - from over at Oh She Glows.  She's an amazing vegan baker/blogger/runner/motivator.  As a whole Angela does a wonderful job of inspiring her readers through action to realize how what you put in your body is what you get out.  Check her out if you get a chance!  Her blog is certainly something that helps keep me on track on the whole self-care manifesto.

How do you start your day?

Oh, ps...I'm giving up coffee at work as well...dumdumdahhhhh!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day after Election....

Politics are hard. 
Managing personalities and ideas, knowing that if you fix X then Y breaks, not knowing if the people we choose to represent us will really listen to us or who's really calling the shot (cough Lobbyists cough).  

After yesterday and emails flying and facebook status' judging and people asking you if you voted...then they wanted to talk about voting and their opinions and everyone gets their panties in wads...le sigh.  It makes me want a le nap.

I think we should all just get a day of zen here to congratulate us all on making it to November 3rd.

Say it with me now....ahhhhhhhhhhh.

Life's gonna be okay, even if the people "running" the country are all stressed out -- it's not that bad.  Humanity survives.

Enjoy today my people's!